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Liability Form

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By registering for Clark Model United Nations XIV (“ClarkMUN”), all delegates, advisors, and schools agree to adhere to the following Terms and Conditions set forth by Model United Nations at Clark University (“MUN at Clark”): 



  1. All individuals registered as delegates at ClarkMUN must have submitted their completed liability forms, be 13 years of age or older, and be enrolled in a high school—or recently graduated without having begun their undergraduate studies—on the day of Saturday, March 29, 2025. 

    1. The Secretariat and staff of ClarkMUN reserve the right to investigate the eligibility of any delegate and expel without refund any individual determined to be ineligible for participation as a delegate. Any individual who does not meet the above criteria, who registers in affiliation with a high school that (s)he does not attend, or who is otherwise found to be in violation of the ClarkMUN Terms and Conditions will be considered ineligible for participation. 

    2. Schools attempting to falsify the eligibility of delegates or otherwise found to be in violation of the ClarkMUN Terms and Conditions will be considered ineligible for participation at ClarkMUN in the year following the infraction(s), pending consultation with the Secretariat. 

  2. Delegates must attend ClarkMUN in the company of at least one advisor. Teachers, university students, parents, administrators, and other adults who have submitted completed liability forms and who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to serve as advisors. Any individual who is eligible to participate at ClarkMUN as a delegate is ineligible to serve as an advisor. 



  1. ClarkMUN reserves the right to determine what constitutes unacceptable behavior and to take appropriate measures to discipline or dismiss offending participants—a term which includes delegates and advisors—and schools without refund. 

  2. All participants must wear visible name badges 

  3. All delegates must dress in Western Business Attire (WBA) for the entirety of ClarkMUN. As a general rule, WBA requires that delegates dress in a suit jacket, slacks or skirt, dress shirt with tie, and dress shoes. If a delegate’s attire is deemed inappropriate by ClarkMUN staff, the delegate will be asked to leave and change into appropriate attire. Clothes that expose excessive bare skin or are otherwise revealing are deemed inappropriate. 

  4. All delegates are expected to remain “in character” while at ClarkMUN by consistently advocating the interests and representing the policies of their assignments. To act “in character” also entails displaying respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates, even if these opinions and ideas conflict with the priorities of a given delegate’s own assignment. Delegates are expected to prepare adequately for active participation in committee sessions; delegates in committees with two topic areas are expected to prepare for both, with the understanding that the committee will discuss one or both topic areas during ClarkMUN. 

    1. Delegates found to be in violation of ClarkMUN’s conference policies may be barred from further participation at ClarkMUN or expelled from the conference without refund at the discretion of the Secretary-General. 

    2. Delegates who disrupt committee sessions or other conference events may be barred from further participation at ClarkMUN or expelled from the conference without refund at the discretion of the Secretary-General. 

    3. Delegates who interfere with the work or other proceedings of Clark students, staff, faculty, or administrators or otherwise “disturb the peace” on campus with rowdiness in the hallways, excessive noise, roughhousing, throwing objects, or other unruly behavior may be barred from further participation at ClarkMUN or expelled from the conference without refund at the discretion of the Secretary-General. False fire alarms will result in particularly severe measures being taken against the offending participant and the school of that participant. 

    4. Delegates who engage in theft or who enter rooms or buildings on campus besides those where committees and conference events are being held may be barred from further participation at ClarkMUN or expelled from the conference without refund at the discretion of the Secretary-General. 

  5. Advisors are ultimately responsible for the safety, well-being, and conduct of their delegates. 

    1. The educational quality of ClarkMUN is primarily dependent on the active and professional participation of all delegates. Advisors can ensure this by monitoring the attendance of their students at committee sessions and helping them understand the skills of diplomacy as practiced at ClarkMUN. 

    2. During the conference, advisors are encouraged to attend advisor meetings and feedback sessions, to observe their students from the back of committee rooms, and even to advise students on substantive issues. However, participation in the committee process must be left to the delegates and the ClarkMUN staff. Advisors may not participate in the writing of resolutions or directives, in caucusing, or other committee activities. 

    3. Advisors are required to assist the ClarkMUN staff in enforcing conference policies, the dress code, and the ClarkMUN Terms and Conditions with regard to the delegates of their schools. Advisors are responsible for ensuring that their students follow the Terms and Conditions. 

  6. Unlawful possession, consumption, or use of alcohol or any controlled substance at the conference will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If a participant is found to possess, consume, or use or to have possessed, consumed, or used alcohol or any controlled substance at the conference, the participant’s school will be expelled immediately from the conference. Criminal complaints may also be pursued against the participant in question. 

  7. ClarkMUN will not tolerate any instances of harassment or discrimination, including but not limited to those based on race, ethnicity, physical features, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religious beliefs or activity or lack thereof, political beliefs or activity, socioeconomic status, age as defined by law, disability status, or personal association. Further, ClarkMUN will not tolerate any instances of inappropriate behavior or unwelcome advances of a sexual nature. If any delegate, staff member, or advisor believes they have encountered harassment or discrimination, they are encouraged to bring it to the attention of the Secretary-General or another member of the Secretariat. The Secretary-General and Chief of Staff will then evaluate the report and involve the appropriate personnel which may include advisors. Based on their findings, ClarkMUN may: 

    1. Take no action; 

    2. Issue a verbal reprimand; 

    3. Expel the offending individual from ClarkMUN without refund; 

    4. Bar the school of the offending individual from future participation at ClarkMUN; or, 

    5. Take other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate. 

  8. ClarkMUN reserves the right to expel any participant or school from the conference at any time for violating or failing to comply with conference policies, or for any other reason at the discretion of the Secretary-General. Expulsions may be announced as seen fit and necessary by the Secretary-General and will take effect immediately at the time they are issued. 



  1. All schools must register using the registration form on our website. A link for the payment process will be sent once your registration is processed. Due to capacity constraints, acceptance to the conference is granted on a first-come, first-served basis and is not guaranteed.  

  2. Schools that have completed registration but which have not been accepted will be placed on a waitlist. Should space become available, schools will be informed and accepted. 

  3. All schools are responsible for paying for and filling all slots assigned to them. Additionally, the following terms apply to slots assigned: 

    1. Any slot originally assigned to a delegate who can no longer attend ClarkMUN should be filled by a replacement delegate affiliated with the school to which that slot has been assigned; 

    2. Any assigned slot that cannot be filled must be brought to the immediate attention of the ClarkMUN staff; and 

    3. A school may request to change the number of slots allotted and to be sent a new invoice, but ClarkMUN reserves the right to then change that school’s assignments. 

  4. Schools will be given preference for assignments based on which registration period they complete registration in. Once all assignments have been filled or no seats remain, schools that have completed registration will be placed on the waitlist and will be accepted and receive assignments as they become available. No school is guaranteed acceptance to ClarkMUN, even if the school completes registration during one of the priority registration periods. All schools that complete registration within the same priority registration period are given equal preference for assignments, regardless of the specific date and time at which they complete registration. 

  5. Assignment preferences cannot always be met and schools must respect the decisions of ClarkMUN. 

  6. ClarkMUN reserves the right to change deadlines at its discretion. 



  1. The following fees apply to all schools of ClarkMUN: 

    1. For this year’s conference, ClarkMUN XIV, the school fee is $60 

    2. A delegate fee per delegate depending on the registration period, as outlined in the Registration Timeline;

      1. For the priority registration period (November 24, 2024 – December 30, 2024), the price per delegate is $45, 

      2. For the general registration period (December 31, 2024 – February 5, 2025), the price per delegate is $50, 

      3. For the late registration period (February 6, 2024 – March 10, 2025), the price per delegate is $55, 

  2. If a school’s conference fees are not received by the ending date of the registration period that school will receive an updated invoice and be charged the fees of the next registration period. 

  3. ClarkMUN reserves the right to void a school’s registration and acceptance and rescind assignments if conference fees are not paid. 

  4. ClarkMUN requires that schools pay all conference fees via the new online payment system.  â€‹

  5.  Our refund policy is as follows: 

    1.  You may contact us to request a full refund of delegate fees up until February 25, 2025 and a 50% refund up until March 10th, 2025; 

    2. Delegate fees will become non-refundable starting on March 10, 2025, regardless of any extenuating circumstances; 

  6.  The Secretary-General holds discretion in all matters of payments, financial aid, and refunds. 



  1. ClarkMUN reserves the right to change the conference schedule as seen fit or necessary by the Secretary-General. The schedule available on the ClarkMUN website is tentative and subject to change. 



  1. These rules are in addition to those established by federal, Massachusetts, and Worcester laws and ordinances, participating schools’ policies, and common sense. ClarkMUN also reserves the right to issue additional rules or to alter existing rules at any time at the discretion of the Secretary-General. 

  2. All authoritative determinations of fact and interpretations of conference rules and policies are to be made by the Secretary-General. 



  1. The Secretary-General and Director-General are the only staff members who are allowed to grant exceptions or extensions to conference policies and deadlines. Neither MUN at Clark nor Clark University is liable for erroneous statements made by other members of the ClarkMUN staff regarding conference policies listed—and not listed—herein. 

  2. Violation of the policies listed in these Terms and Conditions may result in the revocation of assigned seats with no refund. Serious violations of these policies may result in expulsion from the conference with no refund and potential prevention of registration for future ClarkMUN conferences. 

Contact Us

Clark University

950 Main Street

Worcester, MA   01603





Copyright @ 2025 Model United Nations at Clark University



Instagram: clarkmunxv

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